Interested in learning more about this rotation? Start the process for a free introductory meeting with our team
Physician ID:
Monday - Friday 9 AM - 5 PM
Hours have been provided by the preceptor. Hours are subject to change at the preceptor’s discretion, but the minimum total hours will remain approximately the same.
Location: Chicago
This outpatient US clinical experience will take place in two locations. The physician preceptor has one office 12 miles south of downtown Chicago and another office 25 miles south of downtown Chicago. Please note that you will be responsible for arranging your own transportation (personal vehicle, Uber or Lyft, or Chicago trains).
Outpatient US Clinical Experience in Internal Medicine in Chicago
Specialties: Internal Medicine
Location: Chicago
Price: $2,495
Hospital Letterhead: No
Faculty Appointment: No
Information about this clinical experience:
You will be under the supervision of a board-certified internal medicine physician who is on staff at at Advocate South Suburban Hospital, St. Bernard Hospital, and Ingalls Memorial Hospital. The preceptor is an experienced educator having taught and mentored international medical students and nurse practitioners in his practice for years. The doctor is a strong believer in having students become actively involved in patient care.
During your experience, you will learn the following U.S. medical practices under the preceptor’s supervision:
Taking patient histories.
Performing exams under the physician's supervision.
Presenting patients.
Researching the literature to answer clinical questions at the point of care.
Educating patients.
Teaching other team members.
Who should consider this rotation:
International medical graduates (IMGs) and students seeking US clinical experience in internal medicine.
How to obtain a letter of recommendation:
The rotator should ask the preceptor for a LOR near the conclusion of the rotation. Dr. Desai has provided the physician with guidelines about best practices in letter writing that meet residency program requirements. In some cases, the preceptor may ask the rotator to write a letter of recommendation draft.
During the rotation:
Our team will be checking in periodically with you to ensure that you are having an optimal experience. We encourage you to contact us if you have any questions during the rotation.
Dr. X is an excellent mentor who is truly interested in your learning experience, providing valuable feedback. The doctor likes to discuss relevant Internal Medicine topics, including those that arise from patient encounters and the ones students would like to learn about. In this rotation I was able to see patients with the doctor in the inpatient setting with common infectious diseases like bacterial pneumonia, URIs, C. difficile infection, and UTIs. I also learned about nausea/vomiting, constipation and pain management for hospitalized patients, and attended multidisciplinary rounds where I could see how patient care and discharge involves the teamwork of all services. In the outpatient setting I had the opportunity to see patients independently with common chronic medical conditions like hypertension, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia, as well as perform a preventive evaluation regarding immunizations and screenings for adult patients. When interviewing patients, Dr. X encourages students to ask specific questions that are relevant for the diagnosis and/or treatment plan. The doctor also teaches how to present patients in an organized
manner and write notes in a way that the information is clear to the reader.